quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2012

Sata andagi's Bio
Sata andagi (サーターアンダギー)
Sata Andagi is the newest band from the variety show Quiz! Hexagon II, comprised of leader Shintaro Yamada (Yu Yamada's younger brother; "Sata"), Takuya Matsuoka ("Anda"), and Kohei Mori of Shinsengumi Rien ("Gi"). They are named after the Okinawan pastry saataa andaagii to honor Yamada's Okinawan heritage and his tendency to use Okinawan phrases on the show.
The group was formed on July 2009 after Yamada Shintaro (who is Yamada Yu's younger brother), Matsuoka Takuya, and Mori Kohei passed the Quiz! Hexagon Audition 2009. The made their first appearance in October at the annual Hexagon Family concerts. They released their first single, entitled "Yanbaru Kuina ga Tonda", four months later in 2010.

Shintaro Yamada (山田 親太朗) born 10/07/1986
Kouhei Mori (森 公平) born 12/04/1988
Takuya Matsuoka (松岡 卓弥) born 01/0801989

official blog (japanese): http://ameblo.jp/sata-blog/

Yanbarukuina Ga Tonnda (ヤンバルクイナが飛んだ) Released 10/02/2010
Okinawa ni ikimasenka (沖縄に行きませんか) Released 26/05/2010
Taisetsu na hito (大切な人) Released 08/12/2010
Sotsugyou(卒業)Released 23/02/2011 ·

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